Just got finished chatting with this darling lady and a few other authors.
Now I know there will one day, hopefully, be a book 3 for the Extraordinary Girl series.
Hopefully it won't take 4 years.
Going to do homework now.
I was sick all weekend, and besides going to work, the only thing I did was sleep.
I caved and downloaded her Lords of the Underworld AND Atlantis series... but I'll read them when I read them... XD I have too many lined up as it is.
Mah! I only read The Vampire's Bride and the novella that goes with that for her Atlantis series.
But I own all of the LOTU series, book the paper books and ebooks.
Meanwhile, the LOTU covers are great. I can't stop looking at "the darkest kiss"... man eye candy to swoon. And I love the blue.
I have a bone to pick with urban-fantasy-paranormal book covers... there's always something that I think it's wrong, very few are perfect for me.
For example, I had to photoshop "lover enshrined" because the woman in the cover looked brunette and the female protagonist was blond. It irritated me so much I had to re-do the pdf I downloaded. LOL.
Also, "Dead in the Family", I had to do an entire new original cover because the covers I was collecting apparently will not be done anymore...
I don't like the cartoonish official ones and the true blood ones are just WRONG in all ways, so I was left with the australian covers and the ones that followed the first true blood poster - the one with the woman lips in red-.
It was surprisingly easy to do actually.
We definitely are related. I'm the very same way. My coworker actually hates that I complain about covers.
I love Lucien's cover, but it's not correct. You'll need to photoshop it. Lucien's face is scarred. Kinda like the singer Seal. But it's still an awesome cover.
As for the LOTU series...book one is kinda slow. It picks up with The Darkest Kiss, Lucien and Anya's story. But If I truly recommend anything as start, since I know you don't mind spoilers, I suggest you read Into The Dark first. She has a bonus guide in there, starts on page 207. Will is the best. You probably won't laugh as much because you won't know Will's personality, but it's awesome.
Gah! So Lucien is scarred? Damn...
The same thing happens with The black dagger brotherhood books:
The guy in "lover awakened" is the twin brother of the guy in "lover enshrined".
I didn't mind the male model in LE, so I only changed the woman -as I said- from brunette to blond. But see...
Here's the problem: they didn't used the same model for the books!!! They're supposed to be twins!!! Arg!!
Now Zsadist... that's the guy in LA, he's SUPER scarred, he has piercings, and tattoos, cropped hair (as opposed to his brother's luscious long locks), he has a scar that runs down his entire face...
Now, I gave up trying to photoshop that one because it was way too much for my mere amateur skillz, and since the angle of the picture does hide the guy's face a lot... I left it at that... but it still bugs me to no end.
It really does. I think it was...the Psy-Changeling series covers that bothered me.
Every single last one bothered me. Lucas has shoulder length hair, but the cover dude has a crop cut. Looks nothing alike. Vaughn has golden hair but the cover dude has the same black crop cut as Lucas. Judd's just didn't fit my image of sexy ice-man Judd. I didn't find that guy appealing at it. Clay was too light for someone is said to be so dark. LOL. I complained about every book cover...
For the Immortals After Dark series, book 3, is about a Lykae and a Witch, but Bowen looks more like a Vampire than a Werewolf. I mean...he's about to bite her neck. Yeah, yeah, I know that's how the Lykae mark their mates, but something is just...off.
I complain about covers a lot. Maybe that's why I'm so critical when I search for pictures of people who would play the characters in my stories.
I once entertained the idea of making my own covers for the Psy-changeling series...
I had the same rants you have XD XD XD (hell, I might even go ahead and do them).
I checked that Immortal after dark book: LOL! that guy on the cover looks totally a vamp! The long black clothes, the black-hair white-skin combo, the cemetery, the slickness of it all... there's nothing that says "werewolf" at all.
Speaking of covers: did you see that the revised, longer, new version of Bye Bye Skyler came out? I kinda like the cover, like a lot XD XD XD:
Just saw it. Nice. I like it. And that story was cute.
You should seriously redo the spy covers, and then send them to NS. She'll love them. I'll even help you search for guys to be the models.
I don't know why but I always saw Olivia Wilde as Mercy. And Travis Fimmel as Dorian. And the guy from my blog as Riley. Can I tell you I want to scream/squeal just thinking about him as Riley and with olivia. And I've always had this image of indigo but just can't seem to remember who I thought she would look like.
Ok, let's do them, but I'll reserve the right to show them to NS, XD if they turn out crappy I won't want anyone to see them.
I'm not that hot for using celebs and actors/actresses though, 'cause it would feel more like "fantasy casting" than book covers, I wanna look for random models.
Although, that travis guy? SO DORIAN. I will use a pic of him.
If we don't agree on someone, let's keep looking though XD XD XD I don't agree with olivia, she's too skinny, no muscle at all, and I picture mercy with meat in her bones XD XD XD XD
Now, for the overall design... I wanna use a combination of futuristic font, or maybe some bold font and something romantic, but not cheesy... what do you think?
I'm sorry. Wrong character. It was Jessica Biel who always struck me as Mercy, and Olivia as Brenna (when Olivia had that really blond hair)
But okay, lets look for Models. And of course you reserve the right. I can't photoshop. LOL
I'm not sure what a futuristic romantic font would look like...like Gena Showalter's Unraveled font?
Whew! Tia! I kinda forgot what some people look like...
thought I found an Ashaya but...the girl looked too happy to be Ashaya.
But Gabrielle Kniery could be a good Ashaya...and I guess Amara as well.
LOL, I'm having the same lil' issue... help me find the character physical descriptions! I gotta re-read everything now.
There are...8 books out right now. You start with Lucas and Sascha. I'll do Faith and Vaughn.
Sascha has slightly titled eyes, rich ebony hair that curled wildly, her skin is dark honey, and she's tall.
Lucas is well over 6 feet, pure lean muscle and strength (lol), black hair that brushed his shoulders, 4 jagged lines on the right side of his face, muted gold skin (whatever the hell that is), and green eyes.
I know faith is short with red hair. White skin...I think... That's all I need to know. She most likely has a delicate look.
Vaughn has almost gold color eyes, thick amber-gold hair that brushed his shoulders, there's nothing soft about him.
Oh , oh. don't forget Sascha has those eyes.
freaking difficult is what is is!
Lol. I think I'll end up doing a composite of sacha-darling's face, and lucas too...
Even though I found the perfect site for looking at female models:
I found some who look just like how I imagined faith, hehehehehe...
From that website, it's between Justine Parchment and Tatiana Raway for Ashaya...I'm leaning more towards Tatiana.
That picture with the red just screams at me.
And Aby Grupstra as Brenna.
Beautiful... It's funny, I always imagined ashaya and co. to look indian, and I was looking at indian models, but then I came upon danielle leonel... how about her?
Aby gupstra as brenna it is.
For faith, sarah pauley:
I could change her hair red in that pic...
I was thinking of doing covers with the women in close-ups (backlit), and another series with the guys with body shots, all glossy and sexy, with city or forest backgrounds depending on the guy... I think I'm gonna go with that... (so 16 covers in total XD)
The guys are giving me a headache. I have the PERFECT guy for lucas, but the pic is too low-resolution, and I gotta change his hair *sighs*
Dorian is chosen (thank you).
For max, I came upon godfrey gao, found a cool pic of him, I'll send it to you...
Danielle is perfect.
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