In English:
America just had their elections and the world is pretty much happy to get rid of Bush.
Even in Japan, Obama becoming president is a n exciting thing.
The Americans went out today to celebrate Obama winning.
We wanted to skip school, but we had a Kanji test today, so we went out after class.
Almost everyone American here at school voted for Obama with the exception of maybe 2.
But it’s okay, because voting for McCain is better than voting for no one.
Or is it??????
I feel that I should update you guys on what’s been going out lately.
Last week was rather busy.

Thursday was my friend Tone’s birthday so we went out to celebrate.
About 15 of us American and Koreans went to TGIF in Shibuya for dinner.
Our waiter was dressed like a Cow.
And another guy was dressed as a frog.
They were nice, and the Cow guy spoke some English.
Apparently he is coming to America next year to study.
After dinner some of us went home, while the rest went to the bar.

Friday our school had an event,
We went to some park out in Shin-Kiba for a BBQ.
The down side to this whole BBQ was traveling.
I think I was the only person who found this as the downside, and I had a perfectly good reason too.
It took about 50 minutes to get from our school to Shin-kiba.
Shin-kiba is 10 minutes away from my house.
My school still made me come all the way up to the school first, just to ride back pass my house.
That was a completely waste of time.
Traveling from East to West just to come back to the East.
But since it was Halloween the Americans decided to dress up, and we even got one Korean guy to dress up as well.
On Ryun a.k.a GYUUNYUU
I went as a Hamster.
So we had Hamster, Bear, Panda, Pikachu, Police Officer, Silver Fox, Masked Guy, Crazy Colorful Hair Dude, and Cow.
The whole purpose of the BBQ was to get to know your classmates better, because we BBQ’ed as a class.
Team work.
Well, it was suppose to be team work but the Koreans pretty much took over.
Every time I tried to help the guys told me to go eat.
So I walked around with Bear or sat with Silver Fox and Police Officer.
What surprised me most was the amount of people who wanted to take a picture with me.
From Level 1 through 7 there were people who came to ask me for pictures.
They even asked the American in their class to come ask me.
If I would have charged $3 for every picture I would have easily made of $150.
There was a jump rope competition between classes as well.
My class sucks at jump rope.
They wouldn’t listen to me.
I was trying to tell them the right way to turn the rope.
They were making this drastic arm movements that were totally unnecessary.
Just spin the rope regularly.
It was do the rest on it’s on.
But they didn’t listen and they should have.
Jump rope is a ghetto thing.
Actually, Jump rope is an anyone thing, but jump rope and succeed is a ghetto thing.
I can double Dutch with a phone cord.
I’m still upset that they didn’t listen to me.
We left the park around 5pm.
Lena, Jo and I went to Harajuku to take Purikura.
Surprisingly, people didn’t stare at us there.
We blended in.
But the people on the train gave us the “WTF” look.
Jo and I went home after that, and Lena went to Roppongi to meet the other Americans.
I wanted to go but I had a concert the next day so I went home instead.
I went to me concert on Saturday.
If you don’t know who Big Bang is by now, then you need to scroll down to my music box and click on a Big Bang song if one isn’t already playing.
I met Lena around 2pm after class.
She came down to me side of town since I don’t like too far from the concert Arena.
Although it’s in a different area of Japan, just outside of Tokyo, it’s only 30 minutes by train from my house.
She says I live in the Rich neighborhood.
We decided to eat before we left Tokyo.
So, we got to Chiba, Japan around 4pm.
We were suppose to meet the girl Shannon around 5:30 at the station.
Too kill time we went to look for where the Arena was.
Apparently we arrived right after the first show had ended because we saw the sells people.
Lena bought a hoodie, and I got two bags and a mask.
As we walked back to the Arena was saw other stands that were selling Big Bang items.
They had pictures, calendars, water bottles…etc,
Both Lena and I bought a face towel.
The concert started at 7pm, but they let us in at 6pm.
We were in the stand arena section B seats 14 and 15.
The Arena was small so these were really good seats.
Although I’m not sure why it was called the Stand Arena when we had chairs.
The stand Arena should have been those girls who were on the floor by the stage.
Before the show started, they showed some of Big Bangs videos and maybe one Taebin video.
Taebin was the guest performer.
The concert started around 7:15-7:20pm.
Big Bang sings in Korean, Japanese, and English, and I knew every single song.
Since my Japanese is small and my Korean is none existent I could barely make out what they said during the MC.
But, I understand everything Daesung said.
Daesung is such a dork.
I will never understand Gdragon’s fashion sense, or why T.O.P was wearing a dinosaur hat.
IMO, Daesung had the best solo performance.
Again, he’s such a dork.
T.O.P could have had the best solo performance if he would have sung his other solo and not Big Boi.
There was only one song I didn’t like and that was How Gee, and I NEVER liked How Gee.
It has such a 1990 American Hip Hop beat, and not a good one.
For the Encore they performed the oh so famous “Baby Baby” and “Always”.
At the end of “Always” Taeyang pulled out a launcher gun thingy, and each member shot a shirt into the crowd.
I caught the shirt Taeyang shot out.
That’s how small the Arena was.
I was on the second floor, and still caught the shirt.
Actually, I made the security guard give it to me.
When Taeyang shot it up into the crowd no one saw it but me, but it landed on the steps.
My seat was at the wall next to the steps so I had to tell the security guard to throw it over to me.
The concert ended around 10pm and we had to hurry up and get back into Tokyo before the trains stop.
Having to rush home was really disappointing.
But this is the first time I haven’t.
So depressing.
I’ll stop complaining about it, because at least I got to see Big Bang live.
A really good concert.
Sunday I went back to Harajuku to meet up with Roxana, Chloe, Jo, Lena, and one of Lena’s previous Korean classmates Adrian.
Chloe is also a Big Bang fan, although she didn’t go to the concert, so I had a good time picking on her about it.
But she’ll have a better chance to see them since she is Korean (American), and can probably go to Korea whenever she wants.
We met up with Tone as well, who happened to be in Harajuku shopping.
We didn’t stay there long so I got back home early.
Monday I stayed in the house pretty much all day.
It was my host sister Sachiko’s wedding Anniversary, so my host mom had to watch her grandson.
I went to dinner with Lena and Casey in Ikebukuro.
Japan had already decorated the city was Christmas lights, so I will take pictures of this soon.
I didn’t do anything but go to school on Tuesday, and I explained what I did on Wednesday already.
GO OBAMA!!!!!!
I’ll wrap this up now, because I should be studying.
I have a grammar test tomorrow and a conversation test.
Not to mention class on Saturday as well and mid terms next week.
My departure date is slowly arriving and there are still some things I want to do before I leave.
Disney Land
Ice Skating
Tokyo Amusement Park
GO Kart Riding
Stay out over night again
Pretty much things like that.
So…..I’ll try to post again soon.
My attention span isn’t long enough to sit here and type.
You Can’t even guess how many times I got up while typing this.
Just try to guess.
The picture above represents the real American Melting pot.
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