a lot of children who come to my job have this book. or one of the books.
i was just saying the other day that i knew they would turn this into a movie.
Lowandbehold, when i got home today, i saw a preview for it.
Just great, another crappy kids movie.

As far as my resolution goes....i'm getting pretty close.
I won't post little descriptions about them all, this time around, but maybe a brief sentence or two.
But here is a list...If I remember correctly:
Practice Makes Perfect - Julie James (Like it. The silent feud. hehehe)
Just the Sexist Man Alive - Julie James (What's the most popular actor to do when he's outwitted by the sexy lawyer helping him with a role?)
Bad Blood: Crimson Moon series - L.A Banks (Damn Werewolves and Vampires)
Bite the Bullet: Crimson Moon series - L.A Banks *sigh*
Black Jack - Lora Leigh (She's not that great. Good story, but not how I would have liked it.)
Man of Fame - Rochelle Alers (-le sigh-)
Man of Fantasy - Rochelle Alers (-le sigh-
Man of Fortune - Rochelle Alers (-le sigh-)
Stranger in My Arms -Rochelle Alers (I liked the whole family thing. Reminded me of my family before my grand dad died)
Love Lessons (Novella) - Rochelle Alers (Lots of Rachelle Alers.)
I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember right now.
Need to check my kindle.
On Spring Break right now.
Not much of a break.
I have to work damn near everyday.