On my way to work today, I stopped passed one of the many hotels that are around my job to look for a gift for my host family.
The gift shop didn't have many things to choose from.
Basically a lot of mugs, shirts, and keychains with names that no one I know have.
Since I don't know my host family size, shirts a not an option.
Besides, no one wants a shirt with a huge Crab on it. -_-
I wanted to get a mug set, but I didn't really like the mugs that were displayed.
I wasn't going to get anything from that shop, so I decided to leave, and that's when I spotted these little soup cup/bowl things.
I think they're cute, and they have recipes on them.
Maryland Crab Soup and Cream of Crab Soup.
Baltimore is known best for it's....crabs.
Well actually we are known best for everything that's not good, then crabs/seafood.
They also sold this All Purpose season that you can use on EVERYTHING.
See Bai He, I told you seasons could be a gift. XP
I think I'll buy one more gift for my host family, and that's Salt Water Taffy.
A candy that's really popular in Ocean City, Maryland.
My birthday is coming up and I was asked what I want for a gift.
I can't believe I said "I don't know."
I completely forgot about what I really wanted, until I logged on MSN and saw my display picture.
東方神起 has a new album coming out on the 23rd.
nice idea for a gift. definetly very unique. and hearing of crabs is making me sooo soo hungry. T_T.
and i know u want for ur bday wut i want too. lol
and i dont wanna spoil it , but i have no choice. i was gonna buy it in korea town and surprise u and send it for ur bday, but i;m afraid u might order it urself as soon as it releases,so i'm teling u now. the secrets out in the open. and since im not sure how soon they;ll have it in korea town, how about this: i;ll send u the money now and u can order wutever u want.
1-cd and photobook
2-cd and dvd
take ur pic and i;ll send u the money to order it.
You know me so well my wife.
It's already preordered.
And I was thinking of sending you one verison as a wedding gift, but I'll stick with getting you something from Tokyo.
But thanks for thinking about me.
wth!!! I'M TOO LATE???????? >_< dmanit, i knew i shud have told u sooner. and i thought i was telling u early enough....cudnt u at least wait a few more days????????????????? sheesh. and why both versions? i know one comes with a photobook and the other with dvd, but u'll have 2 cds. though i do think having the photobook is better than posters. not that those posters werent awesome, its just that the photobook is carriable xP.
yes, stick with getting me somethign from tokyo.
*goes to think of something else to get u for ur bday* U TOTALLY RUINED MY PLAN. and i wanted to see ur surprised face when u saw it T_T....
and i was referring to the posters from the ABDBSK season 2. those were some fine posters O__O
Hello daughter,
I finally know how to post a comment on a blog. Right now I am a little teary eyed because I know you are leaving soon. On a lighter note, enjoy yourself and never let anyone or anything hold you back. Become the woman I have raised you to be. Send me lots of food samples. Love ya
Well shama,
Since I already got TVXQ, you can get me something else. Epik high has a new cd coming out. Or... you can think of something else, like something that's already out but I don't have.
lol @ ur mom's food samples...@_@ i want me sonme too....dont be enjoying all the great food on ur own.
and yes , i'll look into that epik high album.
What did your host family think of their gifts?
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