I started school yesterday.
This semester should be my last semester at CCBC.
Hopefully I'll be graduating with my AA degree in May.
Right now I'm taking 5 classes.
Biology, College Alegbra, Science in Perspectives, Computer Tech, and Holistic Health.
The middle three I take online, and besides Math, I know I'll get an A in Science Perpesective and Computer.
Biology on the other hand is a little different.
The lecture section
should be easy since I have a nice and easy teacher.
The lab part is what most people say will be hard because I have the
difficult teacher.
In my case, I think I'll pass lab and not get an A in lecture, but will still pass.
Right now I'm trying to decide on what school I'm transfering to, or if i want to take a year off and go back to Japan and finish my Japanese lessons at KCP or another school.
On the other hand, Chloe is coming down from New York to stay over for a weekend.
I haven't saw her since December the 20th.
That was the day I left Japan and I was with her and Roxana until early morning eating that nice delicious cake in the post below.
It was a cake the Los Calbos staff gave to Chloe as a goodbye thing.
It should be fun.
Hopefully it doesn't rain.
I have to sign on to my online classes now.