Hello and Welcome to my blog.
This fall I will be studying in Shinjuku, Tokyo Japan.
That is the sole reason for this blog.
I will use this blog to post about school, places I go, people I meet, food I eat, etc....
My blog title is Almost Didn't Make It. for now
It's the truth.
I almost didn't make it to Tokyo.
There were a lot of obstacles that suddenly arrived, and I almost didn't make it to Japan.
But I did, and I am grateful to those who have helped me reach my goal.
There is still three months to go before I leave for Japan, so I won't post anything until then, unless it pertains to my blog.
So the next update will probably be in July or August when I find out about my host family.
I think it's best for me to introduce myself for those who stumble upon this blog accidently.
I am 19.
I live in Baltimore Maryland.
That's all you need to know.
XDThe picture in the header is a picture of Shinjuku Tokyo.
I like it.
Do you?
Until I post again.......