2 in 1 night?
I'm on a roll.
I just read Linda Goodwill's A Very Special Delivery.
The story was about Molly, who suffered from guilt and panic attacks after her nephew died from SIDS in her care.
She, and thanks to her sister, blamed herself for the death of 6 month old Zack.
2 Years later while living out of the city on a farm, alone, Molly meets Ethan and his 3 month old baby on a stormy night.
Ice and snow storm.
Ethan is a single dad and delivery man.
He had a package, gamma, to deliver to a cancer patient.
He stopped at the first house he came to in miles and asked, Molly's house, and asked a perfect stranger if she would watch his daughter, Laney, while he made the impossible deliver.
Molly nearly fainted.
Just being around a child causes her to panic.
Ethan manages to deliver the package and make it back to Molly's home, half frozen, but he and his daughter Laney are stranded at her house for 5 days.
The story follows Molly and Ethan's relationship that starts to develop after that 5 day snow storm.
This story was...different.
It wasn't cute, well it was cute with Laney around, and entertaining seems like the wrong word to use.
I liked it.
I'd give it 4 out of 5 stars.
But my rating for this story is different then the other books I read.
47 more to go.
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