
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vol 88

My Answers to Survey About Me Survey

2 - Name Cher'rohn Lynne Ross
3 - Gender Female
4 - Age 22
5 - Screen Name Tatsuri or Secret
6 - Birthday September
7 - Race African American though I am a mutt
8 - School/Grade UMBC whack ass university
9 - Job Receiver
10 - Status What?
11 - Hometown Bmore!!!
12 - Current Town Bmore!!
13 - Parents Still Together Nope. Never really were
14 - Siblings Two. Ani to imouto
15 - Pets Cat, Mitch and Dog, Max
16 - Smoker Hell No
17 - Drinker Nope
18 - Virgin Technically speaking, yes
19 - Orientation Hetersexual though one point in my life I thought I was asexual
20 - Drugs Never
22 - Hair Color Black...sometimes green
23 - Is it Dyed? Yep, because it's green when it's not dyed
24 - Eye color Brown
25 - Height 5'3.5"
26 - Style Comfortable preppy
27 - Glasses/Contacts/None? None
28 - Freckles None...does old acne spots count?
29 - Body Type Like a 13 year old boy
30 - Shoe Size 7.5
31 - Piercings Three in my ears, belly ring
32 - Want More? Yep. One more in my eye
33 - Tatoos? None
34 - Want More? Nope...use to but not anymore
35 - Braces? No
36 - Overall Best Feature? I've been told my eyes
37 - Overall Worst Feature? I have a big nose...don't like my mouth sometimes
38 - Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? I don't know...I'm told I look like both
39 - LIKES/DISLIKES Bring it!
40 - Favorite Color Blue
41 - Worst Color Orange
42 - Favorite Number 8
43 - Favorite Animal Tamarin
44 - Least Favorite Animal Worm
45 - Favorite Flower Rose...I'm simple
46 - Favorite Food Fish
47 - Worst Food Brussel Sprouts
48 - Favorite Junk Food Chocolate
49 - Worst Junk Food Peanut Butter
50 - Favorite Restaraunt Nick's Fish House
51 - Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Chocolate
52 - Favorite Candy M&M
53 - Favorite Alcoholic Drink None
54 - Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink Ginger Ale
55 - Worst Alcoholic Drink I don't drink
56 - Worst NON Alcoholic Drink Water
57 - Favorite Genre of Music Ballad
58 - Worst Genre Heavy Metal...pointless Rap
59 - Favorite Band/Artist RED, Linkin Park,
60 - Worst Band/Artist Crappy Ass Rappers
61 - Favorite Song Guardian Angel
62 - Worst Song I have a few
63 - Favorite Radio Station Don't listen to the radio
64 - Favorite Book My Best Friend's Girl and Psy/Changeling Series
65 - Worst Book Damn....what is the name of that crapass novel I read...When I remember, I'll post it.
66 - Favorite Type of Movie Comedy
67 - Worst Type of Movie Romance. I'm a unrealistic diehard romantic at heart but I hate romance movies
68 - Favorite Movie Ace Venture When Nature Calls
69 - Worst Movie Ever Sex in the City
70 - Favorite TV Show Family Guy/ House
71 - Worst TV Show Real World
72 - Favorite Season of the Year Fall
73 - Worst Season Summer
74 - Best Friend SJ Im
75 - Worst Enemy My self. I no longer have enemies
76 - Favorite Day of the Week Tuesday. Sounds nice
77 - Least Favorite Day of the Week Monday
78 - Favorite Sport I hate watching sports
79 - Sport You Hate Any of them if I have to watch it.
80 - One thing you cant get enough of chocolate
81 - One thing you hate more than anything Peanut Butter
82 - LOVE LIFE As if I have one
83 - Are You Single? Unfortunately
84 - If not, who is your bf/gf? In my mind? Currently Donghae
85 - How Long Have You Been Together? Since June 2006
86 - If You're Single, Do you Like It? I use to. Now that I'm getting older it's annoying.
87 - Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? That would make life so much simpler. No, I don't.
88 - First Kiss *thinks back* So long ago. The first one I can remember was Dontae
89 - Ever Kiss in the Rain? Not yet
90 - In a Movie Theater? Not yet...I don't think I have...*shrugs*
91 - Underwater? Nooo. lol
92 - First Love Domninic, but he's more of my first Lust than Love
93 - Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? No. I wasn't committed at those times.
94 - Been Cheated on? Probably. I don't know.
95 - Used Someone? Yes. Definitely.
96 - Been used? Don't think I have
97 - Lied to your bf/gf? Nope.
98 - Ever Made out With Just a Friend? Yep. Dontae
99 - Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? Came oh so very close with the above mentioned
100 - Are You a Tease? teehee. I can be that
101 - Do you Flirt a Lot? Use to. Not so much anymore because I can never find my type of guy to flirt with
102 - Longest Relationship 1 year 2 months
103 - Shortest 2 days
104 - Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? *thinks* No...
105 - Ever Get Flowers? Yes
106 - Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten Candy. You said SWEET
107 - Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day? Doesn't mean anything to me
108 - Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? Being the unrealistic romantic that I am, yes I do, and that's the reason I'm currently single. There has to be LaFS for me to even want to be in a relationship with the guy.
109 - Do you Believe in Beileve in what?
110 - Do you Fall in Love Fast? No. I actually get annoyed fast
111 - Are you a Player? Once upon a time. No longer
112 - Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex? To experiment but never seriously
113 - Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? No
114 - Kissed 2 People At One Time? What? No
115 - Had Sex with 2 People in One day? No
116 - Had sex with 2+ People at One Time? No. Not yet. LOL
117 - Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? Cried FOR someone of the opposite sex. I heard something about them and felt oh so sad.
118 - Ever Been Dumped? No and Yes
119 - Ever dumped someone? Yes and No. We just drift apart, those guys and I
120 - Ever been rejected? I don't confess, so no
121 - Do you have a lot of ex's? Not really.
122 - Are you a slut? In my mind and have the potential to be, if I didn't have morals and all that stuff.
123 - Ever been called one? Nope.
124 - Ever dated someone more than once? Yes. Back in elementary school. lol
125 - Do you ever make the first move? Not anymore. Now, being that unrealistic romantic, I would like to be chased.
126 - Double dates or single? Single.
127 - Do you want to get married? Of course. I can actually hear the wedding bells going off in the background. I need to hurry up. I won't be 22 for much longer.
128 - OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to) *drools*
129 - Hair Color Dark color: Black or Brown
130 - Short or long? Doesn't matter, but just have something I can grip
131 - Style tsumetaiiiii
132 - Age no more than 4 years older
133 - Height I want to reach his chest/neck....5'10"
134 - Weight how much should a 5'10" in shape guy way?
135 - Muscular Or Skinny Muscular *wink*
136 - Boxers or Briefs Boxer briefs.
137 - Do you care about looks? I'm not dishonest enough to say no. Yes I care, but it's not my only concern
138 - Other Okay!
139 - Can you drive? Yes
140 - Do You Have a Car? No
141 - Do you have a cell phone? Yes
142 - Are you online a lot? Yes
143 - Do you like gay/bi people? What's not to like?
144 - Can you speak another language? Yep. Japanese, I can fake korean, I'm very very basic with Chinese, and I can read Spanish though I can't speak or write it
145 - Do you do well in school? Not anymore. No motivation
146 - Do you collect anything? Paranormal romance Novels and foreign dvd's
147 - Have an obsession? Currently the series that I read is my obession. And chocolate
148 - Do you hate yourself? Nope. I'm lovable
149 - Ever smile for no reason? Hell yeah *doing so now*
150 - Talk to yourself? All the time. Sometimes I respond
151 - Do you have any regrets? No. I don't think I do
152 - Believe in magick? Yes. But I don't tell people because they'll think I'm strange, which I am.
153 - Do you support gay marriage? Not my concern. Why not?
154 - Sex before marriage? If it's with the right person....or if you just feel like it, go ahead.
155 - Do you trust people easily? Not really
156 - Forgive easily? Depends on what I have to forgive
157 - Do you have a secret no one knows? Yes.
158 - Do you get along with your parents? Yes
159 - What about other people? Sometimes. People don't like me, though I've never done anything to them
160 - How do you vent your anger? Scream, punch something, dance
161 - Do you like George Bush? HA! Hell no
162 - Goal Before you die? Graduate someday. Publish a series. Travel the world. Kidnap Donghae
163 - Biggest Fear Dying young (I live in Bmore)
164 - Biggest Weakness Waterbugs
165 - Do you play an instrument? No. I wish. Though I did learn Piano many many moons ago
166 - What do you want to be when you grow up? I am grown. I no longer have any clue
167 - PERSONALITY TRAITS - Are you... ....oh no
168 - A bitch? Yes
169 - A daydreamer? Definitely. Do this all day
170 - Shy? Not really
171 - Talkative? Sometimes, esp if I'm sleepy
172 - Energic? Yes
173 - Happy? Yep
174 - Depressed? No longer
175 - Funny? Not really
176 - Slutty? I wish
177 - Boring? *nods* Yes I am very boring
178 - Mean? So I'm told by everyone
179 - Nice? I'm also told this by everyone. Oxymoron much!
180 - Caring? Yes
181 - Trustworthy? Yep.
182 - Confident? Yes I am
183 - Friendly? Not all the time but mostly
184 - Smart? Yes...just not in math or scienes
185 - Sarcastic? It's my native language
186 - Dependable? Yes
187 - Quiet? Tokidoki
188 - Weird? *smiles* Of course I am
189 - Adaptable? Yes
190 - Strong (emotionally)? Not really...I don't know how to look at this question
191 - Strong (physically)? Yep.
192 - Mature? Sometimes on tuesdays
193 - Logical? Yep
194 - Religious? Not really. I'm to openminded to be religious
195 - Modest? Yes
196 - Indesicive? Every now and then
197 - Sympathetic? Not so much
198 - Polite? No. I'm very casual
199 - Creative? Yes yes yes
200 - Fun to be around? I don't know. I would hope so
201 - Loveable? *chuu* Of course
202 - Easily Amused? Very, so if you can't amuse me, you suck at life
203 - Outgoing? Depends
204 - Daring? Yes.
205 - Clumsy? Yep. It's because I'm a libra
206 - Nosy? Not anymore
207 - Lazy? It's my middle name.
208 - Scary? So I've been told, but that person doesn't matter. lol
209 - Optimistic? In this day and age I have to be
210 - Persuasive? Yes. Just raise my fist and I become very persuasive
211 - A good listener? Yes
212 - Curious? Yep
213 - Determined? Yep
214 - Artistic?, in certain areas
215 - Honest? Yes
216 - Respectful? I'm too casual so I'll say no
217 - Concieted? Not that full of myself...yet
218 - Cocky? I can be
219 - Controlling? Yes
220 - Playful? Yes
221 - Easygoing? yes
222 - Carefree?
223 - Hot Headed? Yes. Truly
224 - Serious? Yes and No
225 - Thoughtful? Yep
226 - Considerate? Maybe
227 - Stubborn? Yes
228 - Romantic? Definitely. I'm a true romantic at heart.
229 - Ambitious? Yes. Lots of ambition but no motivation
230 - Jealous? No.
231 - Insecure? No
232 - Obsessive? For some things
233 - Attentive? Yes
234 - Helpful? Yes
235 - Punctual? Yes
236 - Rational? Yes
237 - Sincere? Yes
238 - Tolerant? No. I have no tolerance what so ever
239 - Goodbye Ja ne
240 - Did you enjoy this survey? A little.
241 - Was it too long? If you have to ask, you know the answer
242 - Do you think it contained just about everything? Not everything but a lot

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